I agree with the majority of your points - absolutely many other factors were in play. However the low ballot counts, people stating that their votes were not counted when they voted early and in person, the bomb threats & evacuations all played a role as well.
This turned out to be a very close election- we are still a democratic country- and every vote should be counted and anomalies addressed. My position would be the same if the counts went the other way as well. All voters - regardless of who they voted for - deserve to have their vote counted
🤣😂. In my feels I like that line! I felt the same way 4 years ago - is there enough tomfoolery afoot to justify an investigation/recount? Then do it. Every vote matters. Keep things as fair as possible
The combination of Dems failing to utilize modern comms like YouTube and with Elon fucking the algorithms on twitter and flooding the zone with shit disinformation; combined with kamala making a few serious mistakes was all it took.
It doesnt take a boulder. it only takes a pebble to shift sands.
Elmo also paid 50 million in mailing, flyers lots of information -----just in the swing states just the last 4 to- 5months, has been revealed hr gave 50 m to Steve Miller in 2022 no one was prepared for the amount of money he has been willing to lose to get trump elected.
this! this is what BROKEE America! allowing corp in our election. Then we had russsia finning money to nra, and all republicans, now we have billionaire--on record talking to Russia spending BILLIONS to elect a dictator wanna be-also on record talking to RUSSIA. Twitter was an irrelevant causality.
There was -some- vote fuckery. 42,000 polling locations were shuttered between 2020 and 2024. At current counts, a mere 176 votes at each of these would explain the difference between Biden 20 and Harris 24.
Otherwise, the voting pattern itself seems to follow the polling very closely.
Ok. I'll use a different label, then. It's, what did you say?, "pre election voter suppression." A difference without a distinction, I think, with the same outcome in mind.
Some audits and recounts couldn’t hurt. Trumps people literally copied the voting machine software in GA in 2022. This man cheated his whole life, why wouldn’t he cheat to stay out of prison?
The Dems running their mouths are the ones I mostly expected -being desperate doesn’t make me stop thinking just because there’s a D after someone’s name. It just changes how I strategize
What she had to endure for us was so shockingly crazy.
She took a beating for the party.
I want to hug her and tell her thank you and I don’t blame her.
The beast that is the Republican Party covered it’s people in a blanket of lies.
We’ll rise again. I know it.
How she lost, I’ll never understand.
With the right using propaganda to misrepresent her campaign and paint her supporters as mentally ill, and the vast number of people who always feel unhappy and always blame it on the administration in power, not having a full length campaign was just one of the political caltrops thrown in her way
My heart and soul are shattered. It’s been two weeks and I still haven’t recovered. I pray for Madame VP Harris and Coach Walz. They were a great team.😢
There’s nothing she could’ve done better with the time she had. What a tremendous loss to our country. We’ll be paying for this for many years to come 😢
Agreed. Tired of the blame game on why 45 was voted in. She was treated badly by the media while they coddled the donald. Time to focus on the future and how we survive the next few years and how to protect democracy.
I am still grieving the idea of her not being our upcoming president, I really thought she would win! I could already see her future accomplishments and the pride I would feel to have her as the leader of the greatest nation on earth.
Me too! I literally watch the DNC 5 times, I was so filled with hope, excitement and joy everytime I would hear her! And here we are. I miss her energy and optimism! She was exactly what who we needed! I can’t believe we got the exact opposite 😔
It's just so devastating. I can't understand how anyone voted for the complete rotting piece of shit that is trump when they had someone so great to vote for.
I fucking love her. She and Hillary would have made the best fucking presidents. So ashamed of the hate and ignorance and misogyny in the United States.
She said 1 thing that alone could have cost her everything "I cant think of any way my admin will be different to Joe bidens", knowing full well that his teams internal polling was projecting trump winning 411 in the EC.
That just shows the double standard. Trump made far more egregious mistakes, like fellating a microphone. He is allowed to be lawless (and crude) and she has to be flawless.
You very much over estimate main stream media. Its dead as a news medium. Why the hell you think they never se that stuff. They only watch fox and Joe Rogan.
Fox is their state TV.
What was she gonna do? ask Fox to stream her 24/7 and get laughed at?
Absolutely! She was flawless, when we all anticipated something might trip her up. The DNConvention just perfect..what happened is rich folks got too big for their britches and they're about to eat shit, dirt, each other or pavement ~ it's coming 💃🕴💣
I miss the joy and enthusiasm she gave me rior to this election. That may be why the results are as devastating as they are for me. I had hope, but now I'm lost.
The short campaign was GREAT. Goddam it, we do NOT fucking need these fucking campaigns without fucking end! Voters who “didn’t know enough about her” would have said the same thing if they’d grown up next door! The problem is they are morons who believed the lies or ignored the truth or both.
Saying she ran a perfect campaign is entirely false, reductive, and refuses to look into the root of the problem.
Her campaign was flawed from the root. She came out with a message of "maintain status quo" at a time when citizens are having trouble affording basic necessities.
I don’t really care whether you say you voted for VP Harris. If you’re spending your time on this site badmouthing her campaign, second guessing her strategy, complaining about her loyalty to the president, or just shouting crap to get attention, I’m blocking your ass. Every time I see it. 🤬🇺🇸
She seems to have quit. She could call for some recounts/audits to be sure of the tallies. There are a lot of things that lead me to believe that Trump would do anything to win. He is a life long cheater that was facing the rest of his life in jail. Also, his people copied voting software in 2022
One thing I struggle to understand though, is why do they go back to the same companies that lose them elections, (not purely their fault, I get that) why not make the contract pay more for say winning the election vs losing it?
I don’t believe that and you shouldn’t either.
You can’t win if you see everything as a loss.
Half the country still believes in our founding ideals.
Let’s keep getting in good trouble and raise our voices so loud that someone will grab the gauntlet.
It’s never over in America unless you belly up.
I missed one of your comments.
I am not talking about a woman.
I am a woman and would never suggest we run one again anytime soon
We need the whitest, whitey male to put us in position to take this country back
You are correct and it’s a hard pill to swallow but another woman is the wrong position.
I absolutely BELIEVE That if a competent woman is running against a man who is lesser qualified and with worse policies we absolutely SHOULD pick a woman.
We lose one election and now all of our ideals are crap?
Then what do we stand for?
Nothing we can do?
You take action by stepping forward.
Sometimes you have to run a red light to save yourself.
Might have to pay a penalty but inch by inch you make progress.
One red light at a time.
I feared this take after we lost. Biden won because we were fresh into the Trump presidency & were haunted by HCs lost.Voters have short memories. Next election will follow 2020 - she will have a better chance. She deserves it and we do too.
He ran a good campaign but she did not run a perfect campaign.
There were a lot of missed opportunities.
Given what we know now about just shear ignorance of the voting populace I'm not sure that it would have worked but there were many missed opportunities by the campaign.
The worst for me was the hope I saw from her campaign, the thousands of excited people showing up for her rallies. I couldn't fathom that she could lose....that joy would lose to hate. 😌😟
I would love nothing more than her doing exactly what Trump did and spend the next 4 years running for office by tearing him down. Let her get to be as direct as Hillary was after her loss. Be the law that pushes back every time against Trump's lawlessness. But mostly, never go away and fight back.
we slept on what was going on in the digital space these last 15 years and we let radicalization run wild.
And now we god a fuck tonne of primed Christian maga jihadists.
This was a free...
But unfair election.
And it's not the first.
Our elections are not rigged in the voting booth.
They are rigged in minds before the vote starts.
Thats the problem we have failed to address.
Theres nothing new in that. Ballots are lost every year. Ballots are rejected.
And the FBI etc have stated that the bomb threats had no impact.
Your in your feels on that. Not facts.
They are primed for programming. Elon knew it. And he succeeding in brainwashing them.
And by failing to properly regulate disinfo, we handed him the tools to do it.
It doesnt take a boulder. it only takes a pebble to shift sands.
Exit poles match.
There are several system in place we dont have knowledge of the protect our voting. There was no vote fuckery.
The fuckery happened on Twitter and Youtube with disinformation.
It's now losing millions of users per week. Advertising will drop by 90% - eventually becoming a home for troll farms & hate mongers
All of that was an in-kind gift to 45
Otherwise, the voting pattern itself seems to follow the polling very closely.
Take something and just stick a completely false label on it.
Jerry mandering and polling stations fuckery is NOT vote fuckery.
its pre election voter suppression.
Two completely different things and every single election ever has had this to some degree
All indications showed record turn out in EARLY voting.
It was record number. The over all count was not.
Give her 2 years to boost midterms and 4 to boost herself. I’d vote Harris in 28.💙🇺🇸💙
She took a beating for the party.
I want to hug her and tell her thank you and I don’t blame her.
The beast that is the Republican Party covered it’s people in a blanket of lies.
We’ll rise again. I know it.
How she lost, I’ll never understand.
I get your point and I would love to live in that America but it doesn't and never has existed.
And may a few shocking mistakes.
For example...
She said 1 thing that alone could have cost her everything "I cant think of any way my admin will be different to Joe bidens", knowing full well that his teams internal polling was projecting trump winning 411 in the EC.
Fox is their state TV.
What was she gonna do? ask Fox to stream her 24/7 and get laughed at?
There will be another time for her.
Kamala forever
Kamala '28!
KHive, let's get up off the matt and do this next campaign the right way.
America lost
Her campaign was flawed from the root. She came out with a message of "maintain status quo" at a time when citizens are having trouble affording basic necessities.
America is decades if not not hundreds of years from that.
We thought we were good ppl.
We just found out as a whole we are not.
Half of America has there heart in the 1800's.
You can’t win if you see everything as a loss.
Half the country still believes in our founding ideals.
Let’s keep getting in good trouble and raise our voices so loud that someone will grab the gauntlet.
It’s never over in America unless you belly up.
we rose tint those ideals.
Slavery was one of our founding ideals. The rich having more, or higher weighted votes was one of founding principals, hence the electoral college.
lets not pretend that the 'dream' propaganda is true.
We have just proved its all lies.
I am not talking about a woman.
I am a woman and would never suggest we run one again anytime soon
We need the whitest, whitey male to put us in position to take this country back
You are correct and it’s a hard pill to swallow but another woman is the wrong position.
I said America wont accept it as we are.
I absolutely BELIEVE That if a competent woman is running against a man who is lesser qualified and with worse policies we absolutely SHOULD pick a woman.
But until most of America agrees it wont happen.
Then what do we stand for?
Nothing we can do?
You take action by stepping forward.
Sometimes you have to run a red light to save yourself.
Might have to pay a penalty but inch by inch you make progress.
One red light at a time.
This was much deeper. This goes right to the core of who we are. And who you seem to think we are... is not who we are.
And I will not go forward blinded by blinkers.
We are dealing with a deep schism. A terrible wound that if ignored, will result in conflict.
I will live in the reality in which we exist. Not the one i wish i was in.
I never said id given up. But i have no belief i will ever see a female president in my life time.
I have a penis and i know men. They wont change till driven to change. There is drive.
There were a lot of missed opportunities.
Given what we know now about just shear ignorance of the voting populace I'm not sure that it would have worked but there were many missed opportunities by the campaign.