My article on stigma & grassroots activism in populist radical right (PRR) parties has now page numbers!
Drawing on the 1st ever comparative survey of PRR party members, I ask how stigma affects their participation in party activities.
Drawing on the 1st ever comparative survey of PRR party members, I ask how stigma affects their participation in party activities.
In this study, I focus on PRR party members - the ideological & organisational backbone of PRR parties.
After all, nowadays it is perfectly possible to join a party online, without any of your close contacts ever needing to know about it.
This, in turn, has consequences for the mobilisation potential & organisational development of PRR parties.
1) as a deterrent to participation;
2) as a stimulus;
or 3) it depends on how electorally successful the PRR party is in the area where grassroots members live.
I also draw on in-depth interviews with 56 members, to gain insights into the mechanisms & the direction of the relationship between perceived societal stigma and participation.