Disinformation Campaigns have all of these 6 elements:
1) Actors who have
2) Incentives to disseminate
3) Intentionally misleading messages through
4) Selected communication channels to
5) Specifically targeted vulnerable audiences for
6) Exploitation
1) Actors who have
2) Incentives to disseminate
3) Intentionally misleading messages through
4) Selected communication channels to
5) Specifically targeted vulnerable audiences for
6) Exploitation
“What do you think are the specific exploitation incentives that Actor X is seeking from audience Z?”
“How did Actor X locate audience Z (e.g., microtargeting from FB data)?”
1) Actor: Larry Nassar
2) Incentives: physical access
3) Misleading Narratives: “proper” athletic medical care
4) Channels: face-to-face/WOM
5) Audience: parents, coaches, athletes
6) Exploitation: abuse
1) Actors: corp execs
2) Incentives: financial
3) Misleading narratives: false financial company health
4) Channels: financial reports, business media
5) Targeted audience: investors and lenders
6) Exploitation: theft/grift
This is the same Society from 10y ago, the difference is the facility of mass distribution of Fake News
And they have a financial incentive to this, because Fake News normally generates disputes, then engagement, then clicks and revenue
Everyone knows they fear to lose this hate/FakeNews based revenue on YT
They get rich, our country deals with extremism as consequence
But they can summarize comments with AI, they can Dub videos with AI But can't moderate with AI😂
Often they ban words like "transgender" in comments but allow hate speech
It's not about the technology to stop Fake News, but revenue with fake news
I caution, however, too much focus on platforms in settings that might rely on radio, tv, word of mouth, texting software, etc
Financial accountants typically intervene at elements 2 and 3 with reporting standards, audit, corp governance, market regulation, and stakeholder litigation.
What would be your top three academic paper recommendations on this topic?
This is just illustrative, but the structure can help map research cohort focal points.
Power or
Physical access/control
In many cases, actors seek all of these (they are not mutually exclusive).