One of the fun things this week has been seeing all the creative ways local Indivisible groups drive home the point their hiding GOP member of congress is a coward.
Reposted from
Sarah D. Wire
“If they show up, great, then you've succeeded... But if they don't... then you have something to represent them, cardboard cutout, a person in a chicken suit, a live chicken on stage I've seen before, whatever it may be,” said.
Make this news. Expose her. Use the same tactics Republicans use against those who don’t agree with them.
Over 100 people showed up. Hundreds drove by & (most) showed support in a very red district.
Digital signs were commissioned across the intersection that are running the entire Con recess.
You planted the idea, Ezra & Leah. Thank you.
You can’t win if you don’t play. Resist fascism!
We’re not activists, we’re citizens, taxpayers and voters who want our democracy back.