Sorry…can never listen to a man that celebrated the reversal of Roe v Wade…he helped to create this when he was the RNC chair! He is no ally! He is STILL a Conservative Republican!
Not wrong. He was at the helm of the GOP when they went Tea Baggin’ Scorched Earth on Obama. Tea Party was the beginning of Qanon. Also, purity politics is why we are in this mess. In this time I’ll take a messy ally.
He’s upset bc MAGA has shown how they feel about Black people but I agree he’s done his share of damage. However games game and he’s right. We don’t want Dems working w republicans
He's right. No we don't want to see dems working with gop. They don't want dem help so dems need to work on what they can do. Which might mean organizing locally right now.
Democrats need to meet with the local people. They need to expose the hypocrisy of Rep congressmen. Mailings do not work. They go in the trash. Go to the county fairs. Get out with the real people. Shake a few hands. Tell the truth of what is happening. Listen to what people want. Care!
They need to go to everyone not just swing states, not just democrats. I’m registered independent and no party sent a single leaflet my way. I was totally ignored.
Who is talking saying Americans want to see politicians working together??? That person is stupid. We did that under Biden and Obama and the repubs fucked us over. Do not concede. Do not obey in advance. Do not work with corrupt MAGA.
He is a republican. He's not maga. They disgust him. I'm sure he's stopped voting r. He voted for the felon in 2016, then he regretted it. He didn't vote for the felon. I don't know for sure but I think he voted Biden then Harris. Same with Cheney & Kinzinger but only in 2024.
Dems need to be dems not republican lite. Stand up for the people. Stand up for the working class. Even if we don’t have the numbers the people are listening. What are they saying? Are they siding with the people or acquiescing? They can’t be afraid to be dems. We expect nothing less. We are 👀👂
You can be a Rep & still hate that Trump is destroying the US with the help of crazy Rep congressmen. They’re ignorant. Trump is a bully. He is like the wizard in Oz. He is a small little man & only has the power he is given. Pence saw him as a stepping stone to the Pre. It ruined his pol career.
I hope you’re here permanently 💙
I don't who that woman is that said that but she don't speak for me. She is an elitest and should be added to the shitlist for when this is over
The WH, Senate and House are controlled by MAGAs masquerading as Rs.
They could create a formal (M) party but a takeover is easier.
The remaining real Rs are never trumpers b/c they put country over a king.