I can only pray the reaper comes for him soon. My birthday is the day before that thing gets inaugurated, that thing clutching it's chest and dropping to the ground like a hundred 300 pound weight dropped from the international space station would be an awesome birthday present
That couch fucker is just a paper man. He's completely spineless. I hate to say it but I'd rather see the couch fucker on TV than trump and that god awful mouth sphincter of his
So put out a bunch of couches and let the world see what fine individuals the republicans put forward. Line em up. You think he has a brand preference?
No, we want him to have a stroke and be disabled for years but still alive. Lose his left side and he has a droopy lip. It would be better than death. Make him live in a wheelchair and unable to speak coherently for 3 years of complete misery.
Let's throw a couple of types of cancer in there too. Preferably mouth and rectal cancer. Or maybe he would develop a really strange condition where he somehow develops taste buds inside his asshole. That way he can taste how full of shit he is
He is just waiting to 25th ammendment Trump...pretty sure that is the plan.
in contrast, my b'day is 11/5; I will no longer celebrate (or even acknowledge).