Random #SecondLife Tip / Helpful Discovery!
I'm sure many have experienced the pain of zooming in on something to adjust on your body and clipping through before you zoomed in enough. It's annoying!
I use this when taking pictures but it's useful for this too!
(I'm running out of space) 🧵 below
I'm sure many have experienced the pain of zooming in on something to adjust on your body and clipping through before you zoomed in enough. It's annoying!
I use this when taking pictures but it's useful for this too!
(I'm running out of space) 🧵 below
On firestorm and i believe Alchemy as well. Changes your FOV.
Great for pictures and actually handy for this.
Ctrl + 8 is a "zoom out"
Ctrl + 9 sets you back to default
Ctrl + 0 is a "zoom in"
Ctrl + 0 is the one you'd want to use for this, you can get extremely close without clipng
1st is close as i can get
2nd is going closer and said clipping happens
3rd is same camera position but ctrl + 0 a few times to zoom in.
A word of caution while zoomed in like this do not move the camera for it'll kinda go nuts, it's extremely sensitive.