If you deconstruct the boxes we made for professionalism etc, it isn’t too far. What’s too far is forcing people to present themselves in a way that is counter how they think or feel. If anything, it’s a step in the right direction.
I can understand in terms of dress code and professional standards but knowing that my client is a naturist too make me more comfortable and confident. Saying that I offer naturist consulting services only oddly.
But in this case it's not about whether you feel comfortable, but the client, right?
I'm also a nudist, but if I need professional help for anything, I expect the professionals to keep their clothes on....
in a naturist world it would be fantastic, but unfortunately we don't live in that world....
But maybe I misunderstand you?
(by the way, you remain a great example for many women and men like me and I hope you continue for a long time! )
I'm also a nudist, but if I need professional help for anything, I expect the professionals to keep their clothes on....
But maybe I misunderstand you?
(by the way, you remain a great example for many women and men like me and I hope you continue for a long time! )