Do the Ten Commandments have a valid place in U.S. classrooms? Louisiana’s Legislature says the answer is “yes.” But on Nov. 12, 2024, a federal judge said “no.”
#politsky #religion
#politsky #religion
Religious fanatics' assertions aside, historians can BURY them in examples of writings and records of actions showing the Founding Fathers WERE NOT creating a Christian nation.
I mean, what are the other religions leaders saying?
*You know which one.
There was a reason our founders didn't want the church involved in governmental affairs, a reason we forgot, but may soon learn again.
Do as I say and not as I do is a broken message to children but one Christians live by.
Hypocrites 1:01
I told him it was easy to fix the hypocrite problem. Just stop looking into the mirror. And as to the rest, he was on his own couldn't help him.
Their " witness " turns would-be believers into Atheists.
Mixing the two ?
It never works out well!
Preach politics from the pulpit? Then pay taxes!
There is a clear line between church and state. Period.