Scholar Jeffrey Sachs destroys "journalist" Piers Morgan on Geo-Politics.
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The 🇺🇸US has spent $7 trillion to destroy the Middle East: a bloodbath lasting 25 years.
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The 🇺🇸US has spent $7 trillion to destroy the Middle East: a bloodbath lasting 25 years.
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🇺🇸Obama's CIA and their false flag about Assad's use of chemical weapons in 🇸🇾Syria.
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False flags are the 🇺🇸CIA's modus operandi.
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The 🇺🇸CIA has been rogue since its inception in 1947.
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Not even the 🇺🇸US is entitled to overthrow another country's government.
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My whole life has been the US at war.
Obama said Assad must go, 13 years of mass killings and here we go again.
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🇷🇺Russia came to 🇸🇾Syria four years after the 🇺🇸US.