Ukraine needs to keep Trump and his MAGTARD idiots away from any negotiating !!...Biden ensured Ukraine had enough to finish Putin off once and for all...Ukraine holds all the cards and the EU will now help them across the finish line-KEEP HITTING PUTIN HARD !!😉👍
Working families
Living paycheck to paycheck
80 million uninsured
Sky-high RX prices
800,000 homeless
Extreme $$ inequality
Billionaires control elections
Lower life expectancy
Climate change
Cutting Medicaid by $880B
Millions lose health care
Sadly he's been chugging his own bullshit and washing it down with the dictator dicks he's been sucking, he's basically a snake with an unhinging jaw. He'd never choke on his natural intake of rat feces and kissed ass flakes either.
“Take his ass to glory - he down here fucking shit up”
Donald Trump Dead After Choking On His Own Bullshit
Working families
Living paycheck to paycheck
80 million uninsured
Sky-high RX prices
800,000 homeless
Extreme $$ inequality
Billionaires control elections
Lower life expectancy
Climate change
Cutting Medicaid by $880B
Millions lose health care
I guess he forgot.
I'll take Heart Attack for $1,000, Alex.
OH, wrong TV show.
Let's up the ante.
Hi Joe,
here's another headline from State of the Union . . .
💠 🤥 💠
The major problem with social media is it people who don’t have any real talent just get their jabs out.
So I love politely calling another win.
So what bullshit was that? .
Nine times out of 10 no one answers me because I’m the man and I win .
I literally can not wait.
Can’t come soon enough~