“Defund the police”
“Billionaires shouldn’t exist”
“Free Palestine”
These are silly little slogans designed by low-information leftists to lose elections.
These slogans make leftists feel good about themselves while actually harming the issue they wish to fix.
We need to do better.
“Billionaires shouldn’t exist”
“Free Palestine”
These are silly little slogans designed by low-information leftists to lose elections.
These slogans make leftists feel good about themselves while actually harming the issue they wish to fix.
We need to do better.
Free them from what? How? Free from occupation? Free from Israel? Hamas? Are they being held captive? Why and how are they there? This takes a very complicated conflict & simplifies it into a nice little slogan. It also completely fails to galvanize people around a solution.
Which billionaires? How? What does that mean? All billionaires are bad? What about owning equity? Why not just end tax loop holes for large corps?
Is it okay to have $999 million? This is an arbitrary slogan that makes little sense, and again, helps us lose.
Lots of pitfalls of this