Yes I can and will continue to do so. Our democracy us being dismantled in plain sight. The Dems are in the minority. The people have to fight. No alternative.
If protesting wasn't an effective arrow in our quiver, they wouldn't be trying so hard 2 outlaw it. We need more ways 2 attack this coup, not less. If u have better strategies, please inform us. we need every weapon we can get.
trump is trying to outlaw it not because it would work, but because it hurts his fragile little ego. I’ll say it again until I get an answer: say we knew 2 months in what Hitler was capable of. What could they have done to stop him, knowing what was coming? We need to do that.
Lol, you know I can't answer that, but I'm with you. All I'm saying is protesting has its place. Even if it's only for organizing,trading info, and boosting resistance morale.
Yes PRECISELY! Again, at no point did I say not to protest! It definitely has its place. I’m merely speaking to those who think it’s somehow going to stop this coup. If the courts can’t stop him, citizens don’t stand a chance.