It’s actually pretty weird. She dated a prominent musician on her label & cheated on him. For her 2nd LP made songs about him & her lover & 3 other prominent musicians doing a joke on me I mostly didn’t notice as medieval performing animal circus music. Then blackmailed Malkmus, & caused fighting
2/ That is completely weird, and I’m not just saying that because I hate her.
Bill Callahan doesn’t know what to do, as if he helps me, he will screw Malkmus even worse after blackmailing him, and it would affect Drag City. He just doesn’t do anything because he feels guilty about it all.
3/ The Jerk said he was afraid to tell people all the information in case nobody believed him and said he was crazy and he had no career or money and got homeless.
That’s why there is this information gap where all the people didn’t know what happened.
4/ Then that sort of did happen to David Berman. I mean maybe not that people didn’t believe him, as I’m not sure he ever tried telling people, but he did end up homeless and with debt and no money.
5/ I would guess Rian Murphy didn’t know everything, then he did his plan which was pretty weird TBH, but at least it showed he didn’t plan on ruining my life forever, but then it didn’t work because of all the stuff underneath that had really happened but he didn’t know about.
6/ I’m getting an article published in the Australian Financial Review. It’s on my NDIS cost estimates research that shows the Labor government told the wrong numbers to Parliament. This is the paper all the business and finance people read in Australia. I’m really excited about it.
But once it all happens in 2005 and 2006, the group of people are all locked in to ruining my life. They agreed they would ruin my life for 8 years which Bill Callahan insisted on to protect Joanna Newsom, she says on a record. Malkmus arranged the deal. About 30 people agreed incl Drag City bosses.
2/ Now in 2005 people might think I’ll be fine and maybe won’t notice anything as I hadn’t noticed the previous songs about me. But then Joanna Newsom and Bill Callahan immediately tour Australia and play games with me at concerts. Making me think something is going on and have a breakdown.
3/ Stephen Malkmus then tours but the breakdown wasn’t bad then, so he sees me appearing cheerful. Then the Jerk tours and the breakdown is visible and then Pajo tours and the breakdown is visible. Nobody does anything. I heard the EP and have a psychotic episode.
4/ At this point it goes from an agreement with no necessary intent to harm, to an agreement where everyone who hears about the psychotic episode knows they’ve harmed me. Then they keep ruining my life and David Berman gets me lured into this in 2013 and everyone destroys my life.
5/ Then David Berman kills himself and Bill Callahan doesn’t want to actually fix these problems he caused in 2005, so he arranges to lure me in intending to force me to forgive everyone and make me help them get money from the songs about me.
6/ The Jerk doesn’t want to do it but eventually agrees to because he wants to get money as his kid has Autism and his healthcare insurance doesn’t cover it, he told me. He complains about money constantly. He thinks he doesn’t have enough money. He’s jealous Joanna Newsom is rich.
So today I realised Bill Callahan has arranged this as he feels guilty for 2005, thinks it will fix everything if I forgive everyone, and doesn’t like to say sorry to people because of the ick factor of apologising. He must have helped Joanna Newsom blackmail Stephen Malkmus.
2/ Which turned Stephen Malkmus into a criminal and made him responsible for the 8 year deal and now he always likes to ruin my life. This is the hugest mess I’ve ever seen. I don’t know why they did the music fighting on top of what happened in 2005.
3/ And why don’t they sort out their problems before luring me into this? It’s just like walking into a bar fight a really bad one. Also I am the wrong person for this, as all I like to do is talk facts at people. And they don’t like it when I tell them the truth.
4/ Joanna Newsom must have started the blackmail, then as Ys is about the cruel game the sadist got scared (he’s not very tough for a sadist) and blackmailed Nick Cave. I’m pretty sure that’s the order. It’s sort of ridiculous really since I did nothing to anyone and the cruel game went over my head
5/ I really feel like she mainly did it because she wanted to record the songs about me and the cruel game for her second record, as she did complicated harp music for them. And she wrote some of them when she hoped the Jerk would date her officially, so I’d be out the picture then.
6/ By the time of the fighting she didn’t want to date the Jerk, so I can’t see why she’d be jealous of me, unless it was some hangover from the affair. I don’t think I’m cut out for show business people, way too much drama over nothing.
Bill Callahan doesn’t know what to do, as if he helps me, he will screw Malkmus even worse after blackmailing him, and it would affect Drag City. He just doesn’t do anything because he feels guilty about it all.
That’s why there is this information gap where all the people didn’t know what happened.