"Once upon a long time ago (a time before most of us were born?) a Nation torched two towns to make sure their new weapons worked
This deeply troubled other folk in the universe as it threatened not just all life here on our planet but, via 'Entanglement' ,so much...
This deeply troubled other folk in the universe as it threatened not just all life here on our planet but, via 'Entanglement' ,so much...
....more across space time
So they popped down for a natter with those in control of such devices (at that time only one Nation) & a deal was struck
Earth would sort out its issues within 80 solar years or allow in the others from the universe to sort things for them...
....Sadly, the folk from the nation they spoke with had no intentions of upholding their end of the deal & instead doubled down on their trashing of the Planet for their own enrichment
This vexed the NHI's who had, in good faith, kept their end of the deal
So, after 80...
...Solar years they made it plain that they would shortly commence their side of that sacred deal & begin sorting out the issues the bad Nation had continued to drive
This would begin with dismantling the economic system that drove the Planet killing....
The Beginning...."