I am absolutely a hockey fan too. I spent my childhood in minnesota and if my dad didn't move us out of there after jr high I was on a trajectory to be a goalie
Ironic i was raised in Dallas where the north stars ended up and grew up witht he stars- I played left side Defense as a kid. theres a whole life story of how i missed any chance to pursue sports though. i didnt go to highschool is prolly the biggest one.
I was around when that piece of shit norm green ripped that team from minnesota right when they 1. had a championship team and 2. had the funding set for a new stadium
no one from minnesota has ever hated a man as much as they hate norm green
i get that i truly do- tell everyone else that norms not here- and we dont care. we love the Stars- we woulda loved em if they were grown here but think about this- Hartford and quebec are jealous you got your team restored. and for a long time so was winnepeg- Im out here hating the LVGK instead.
I'll never forget being told by one though that I don't deserve medicare for all because I was supposed to vote for hillary clinton in order to stop trump in 2016 so he could feel safe
I mean deserve or not most of us dont got any. Neither party did anything for me i dont ever get the postive programs or aca like i didnt qualify for food stamps- despite needing them for a decade- whose gonna gamble on these gimmicky programs if its not a garuntee/. single payer or bust. UBI or dth
(for your ouchie)
no one from minnesota has ever hated a man as much as they hate norm green
Just remember Sidney Crosby is our new hockey god and Wayne Gretzky is a MAGA traitor who needs to burn in the hottest level of hell for his betrayal.
Go watch every episode of Shoresy to help you prep.
Get 'er done, bud.