It could be the fog of war clouding my memory but didn’t we already go through this with retrofitted humvees in Iraq circa 2004? The soldiers didn’t feel adequately protected and they were prone to fire 🤔
Where is the request for proposal? Where are the lawsuits to enjoin this contract and payment? Where are the studies on Tesla or electric armored vehicles? Would they not be easy to disable? With saltwater?
This is great news for America, since they aren't really bulletproof and tend to endanger their riders more than any other car.
Watching YouTube videos of these being destroyed is amazing.
Also they transfer electricity while charging, so I'm guessing we'll see some homes lost and HOI increases
(202) 224-3121 #resist
what a load of bullshit
The new up-armored vehicles will be named Panzer Wank Wagons…
Prototype shown below…
Watching YouTube videos of these being destroyed is amazing.
Also they transfer electricity while charging, so I'm guessing we'll see some homes lost and HOI increases