Here’s the thing…they believe that they are better and more deserving than the peasants who are not as rich as they are due to their lack of motivation/intelligence/fortitude. It’s your own fault that you are poor. I do hope my sarcasm is evident here.
Interesting proposition with a lot to back it up. However, consider that, for example, the drop in Tesla stock was a paper loss on UNREALIZED profit and paying taxes takes real cash.
Well in that case, Wall Street is an entertainment industry and should be treated like a Casino and be removed from having any sway in the nation's economy.
Not sure I get your point. In any event, the stock market is very much like a casino. Bettors/investors are making bets on a future outcome. In the casino you get instant feedback in the stock market the feedback comes when you liquidate.
They would feel it. If those taxes went towards helping everyone else, someone else would probably be able to make a superior product/business and then shrink their market share. This is about power dynamics, control, and master-slave relationships.
It's all numbers pulled from someone's arse.