According to AP:
“Most of the ballots that Griffin is challenging came from voters whose registration records lacked either a driver’s license number or the last four digits of a Social Security number — which a state law has required be sought in registration applications since 2004.”
She won through three recounts. There is nothing more to discuss. Republicans just cant accept their losses as usual and try to steal power from rightful winners. This is the same thing Trump attempted to do in 2020.
THIS is a takeover.
First local. Then state. Then Federal.
It's a takeover. They've cracked the code. They know how to do it with the help of the court on one level or another.
This is a takeover.
No doubt he was named after Jefferson Davis of the Confederacy. This guy was always the last guy picked to play on teams in school - you can just tell. What a sore fvcking loser, just like every NC Republican.
This is terrifying & it's really hard to stay hopeful when you see freedom & democracy tumbling, brick by brick at the hands of powerful tyrants who just gain more ground & get more powerful by cheating so they can gain more ground & get more powerful.
This is one for the history books. “How North Carolina Republican Tried (hopefully) To Steal A State Supreme Court Seat.” Unfortunately, this is the new “normal” for the GOP. Despicable, Unethical, and Corrupt; just as Putin would have them. Quite an example for democratic freedoms world-wide.
Federal 4th Circuit asserts jurisdiction. District court improperly ceded to state court. Clear violation of federal equal rights law disenfranchising 60K after election. Federal law controls.
I never realized how deeply the moral rot has infiltrated the Republican Party. None of them seem to have any intention at all of following the law and the will of the people. They just want to win and will lie and cheat and steal to do it. It’s truly a stunningly disgusting group of people.
Dude just can't admit he lost.
“Most of the ballots that Griffin is challenging came from voters whose registration records lacked either a driver’s license number or the last four digits of a Social Security number — which a state law has required be sought in registration applications since 2004.”
First local. Then state. Then Federal.
It's a takeover. They've cracked the code. They know how to do it with the help of the court on one level or another.
This is a takeover.
God dammit
W T F IS GOING ON in our country