What we are feeling now- watching celebrities & politicians we love (like snoop dog, Bernie sanders, amy klobuchar, Cori booker, Elizabeth Warren) hail the orange man- journalists we have trusted- loose their spines and get in line to lick the backside of the man in power with the tiny hands (1/4)
A lot of our responses are the exact same as theirs- we have to “check out” of reality for our own mental healths sake- not engage in the news cycle- not spend our time trying to make real change (2/4)
or put a stop to what’s coming because so many of us are already on the brink of “checking out” permanently.
So we stay back, at the sidelines, with our blinders on. So we can BE parents to our children, so we can KEEP our day jobs, so we DONT off ourselves- out of grief and fear. (3/4)
You can be sure that they did what we are doing now. (4/)