If people actually cared about data privacy, we would have not just data privacy laws, but a data infrastructure that didn’t rely on people keeping numbers private, but also requiring them to give those numbers away to everyone so that they were circulating basically everywhere.
We also have to give them regularly to massive corporations who don’t care about privacy and don’t have to care.
That’s the issue.
The first “people” refers to people with power. The second refers to people like you and me.
The guy who called China an "adversary" the other day - you know, the term for Satan - was perhaps more revealing than he intended.
It’s just that I wish we cared about literally everyone else having my data. And the fact that Zuck would immediately give all my data to China for the opportunity to operate in China.
all these entities have my data, i have very little control over it, and when there's trouble it's just "lol sucks to be you" and a shrug.
And for all that time and trouble, what do I get?
I should have done that.