It's going to be really bad for these idiots when they try to go home for campaigning because when they cut the Federal social safety net the Blue States that fund the government are going to do what Maine is doing and not send the Fed funds so they can cover their own constituents.
“With the town hall confrontations going viral and creating a rash of negative headlines for the GOP, party leaders have since urged lawmakers to just skip the meetings altogether. “Obviously we’re very aware of those headlines,” a Republican National Committee official told NBC News.”
I would LOVE to see Democrats scheduling town halls in red districts and maybe accidentally suggesting the republican representative from said districts will be in attendance. Or invite them and then make sure everyone knows they were invited and didn’t show up. Or something to seize the moment.
But this isn't an era of legality so...
Louisiana and no one ever
answers the phone because
everyone is sick of the
constant death-threats.