Isn’t this the clown who refused to do an interview unless the reporter gifted him chocolates, and whose downfall was famously triggered by his hunger for pizza?
I’m not sure how many people who aren’t unemployed virgins living with their parents pay Tate any attention, but I’m picturing Trump voters in suburban Houston tossing out their multiple thousand dollar backyard grilling setup because Tate called it “beta”.
PS: While I'm sure some exist, I've never met a woman who considered a potential mate's ability to cook as anything but a net positive. I mean, if you're into bullshit evo-psych "Just So Stories", as Tate is, "Me man! Me provide calories for wo-man! Me prove fitness to breed!" is pretty basic.
Tate and his ilk are not interested in impressing women. They don't care about women's thoughts on anything. They are trying to impress other men and climb to the top of the social pack (that exists entirely in their own heads).
There end goal looks more like Entourage than a normal life.
Not being able to enjoy food can be a symptom of neurodivergence. 3 people in my family absolutely hate food & think eating is disgusting & all 3 are in the spectrum. But I hope Tate vomits with every bite.
The first Woman who ruled an African kingdom for over 30 years in the 16th century. One of the greatest warriors ever to emerge from...
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Which, nah bro, you don't.
The first self-replicating pseudo-organism, barely a loose cloud of proteins drifting through some ammonia water, being like "he doesn't enjoy WHAT?".
I generally disliked anything anybody ever made. of course there were exceptions but they were few and far between
now every meal I make is as good as a meal can be. I now eat like royalty even if it's PB&J or mac & cheese
almost no meal costs more than $5
Reality competing with satire yet again
No, sorry, got that wrong. Awake. They're conscious. Women passed out or in comas? Don't really express much of a preference.
There end goal looks more like Entourage than a normal life.
You're right about the therapy, though.