Man, he is working overtime to undo the mildly positive impression of him I’ve had for the last three years. I’m beginning to remember why libertarian 20-something me really disliked him.
This was obvious! It was a press release, not an order. Someone's been yammering to Biden about this gimmick and everyone knows it's a bad idea so he did the least thing possible. Neither the President nor the archivist has a constitutional role here just file the test case.
Whether it’s published or not makes no difference, nor does whatever the President says. It’s law if the Supreme Court says it’s law, which they probably won’t.
I've thought long and hard about what actions Biden might take to prepare the nation for four years of hostile takeover by the avaricious forces of Gilded Age wannabes and the rise of the practitioners of extreme narcissism and total disgust with the vast majority of Americans.
This has to be the biggest pile of horseshit ever. This entire administration should have been about shoring up human rights and limiting executive branch power. Now we get this meaningless gesture as he walks out the door. They’ve had almost 50 years to address the ERA.
Stay tuned next week