We've had decades of research on UBI now, and the only thing holding it back it the insane Calvinist rot at the heart of this country's identity. UBI is like that Michael Pollan quote about food: "Give people money. Not too much,. Mostly cash."
Reposted from
Ada Palmer
Don't miss results just in this month from Earth's biggest UBI experiment: 6,000 people in rural Kenya getting cash. Result: lump sum at the start helped more than monthly payments, but both caused so much growth that even neighboring towns got wealthier, healthier, & safer! #ShareGoodNewsToo
But I reckon once one nation adopts it fully, the dominoes will start to fall everywhere.
Mental Health Care sucks.
But Murderous Autopilots aren't that reliable, whether your goals include preventing or encouraging murderousness, so that takes a lot more work.
That's still considered a luxury for the rich.
maybe it doesnt or maybe the legislation is written well enough that the income keeps pace, idk
"True UBI has never been-" etc etc
or at least public attitudes [glares in Operation Paperclip]
Its welfare so its a nonstarter on the right and its not being means tested to hell and back so centrists are out.
But, hey, in someone's world that buys a second home or a private jet! 🎉 /s
Our sociopath overlords are only interested in us sinners being squeezed in the hands of their angry God (to paraphrase Johnathan Edwards).