In seven hundred and five days, the polls will close after millions of Americans have cast their vote to re-elect or reject their members of Congress.
Let's channel our frustration into action and ORGANIZE.
From 2024 to 2026.
Let's channel our frustration into action and ORGANIZE.
From 2024 to 2026.
Very simple.
Guess again it's never going to happen
There will be an election in 2026, the Dems are most likely going to pick up seats.
History says I'm right.
Yes, now is the time to jump into action.
In 2026, we must have an enormous slate of Independent candidates for Congress.
[If you don’t see such a candidate, BE that candidate.]
Then, we must elect them to Congress.
Not just ANY Independents, but ones committed to removing party from power.
First, a little history. The founders created a system of ATOMIZED, not concentrated power. Each rep represented their constituents, not a party & its platform. And when in office, ON A UNIQUE ISSUE, they would seek out like minds to form a temp coalition ON THAT ISSUE and do the people’s work.
Parties have corrupted that system into a we rule-you’re irrelevant (numerical majority-minority) nightmare. Giving us JUST TWO choices of policy platforms which rarely map to any district’s/state’s actual constituent views.
How to correct this? 👇 See
Why must we do this? Like I said, the founders feared concentration of power within the govt they created. Remember the concept: Separation of powers? Well, parties have concentrated power, starting with hyper-powered Speakers & majority/minority leaders—way more powerful than ordinary reps.
And over generations of such corruptions of our form of democracy, based on cross-branch party allegiance/alignment, Congress has ceded many of its constitutional powers to THE PRESIDENT. Now, we are faced with a wannabe dictator who has consolidated all that power in HIM. 👇
There is only one solution to this nightmare.
Reverting back to the atomized power the founders created.
No, the founders did NOT belong to or support political parties.
Yes, they largely broke down along two political philosophies.
But they told us many, many times: Don’t do it!
Pres. Washington