Hi, I'm certainly not infallible but I feel like you need to vet accounts better as that's a pretty obvious Nazi/groyper troll account (see their following list along with most of their posts). Feel free to make and vet your own list though!
Thank you! Between the first list & now this one, I’ve been free from seeing bs. Except one guy pretending to not be one of them. You can see the accounts insta-blocked though & there are THOUSANDS!!! Phew 😮💨!!! Again, thank you!
hi Tamara, it's a troll account...most of the people they're following and followed by are groypers/fellow trolls. lots of these accounts post seemingly 'liberal' things to bait you but if you look closer they told a cis woman they "hope to pass as well as she does"
Not sure, but here's one that keeps popping up on feeds to "just ask" questions but not get it when answered. Not vitriolic, but mostly just trying irritate under the guise of "discussion."
I've imported your list into my big one! i'm working on importing all the ones I can find and picking out all the liberal accounts that are getting put on a couple of them that were included by the original list makers bc of personal grudges/vibes.
I just spent my afternoon muting every troll on your list. Thank you for the hard work! Keeping out trolls means keeping this site interesting, educated and fun.
Thanks for helping keep Bluesky from becoming X. Perhaps review this one? I don't know this person. Maybe others have had bad experience with this user? I scrolled down a bit and didn't see any MAGA. They want to protect public lands and don't want Greenland. https://bsky.app/profile/highdesertrecovery.bsky.social
hey johnson! I took a look and removed them, I try hard not to make mistakes but don’t see a reason why they would have been added unless they deleted something…they are now blocking me (understandable lol), but feel free to let them know if they had asked about it somewhere-thanks!
It looks like you got at least one person who isn't a right winger on there? Roxy57 doesn't have many posts, but they don't seem to speak English as a first language and their bio says they're *blocking* "anti-woke" people.
Got another for the list. Please check out the replies, and see if it's a good fit. He's mostly a troll, but not necessarily one of the most virulent ones:
Here’s one who likes to hide his MAGA beliefs in calm language while twisting the truth. Up to you if you want to add him to the block list. He only replies to people. No actual postings of his own. Therefore, just trolling:
Got another one for you. In fact, I would urge any and everyone to report the account, as well. Lots of talk about killing “Dems” b/c they’re all “pedos.”
I am not subscribing because I checked a some. Some were clearly MAGAts and I blocked them individually. But I checked several others that were not clearly MAGAts. Too much collateral blocking, IMO. I don't see many after subscribing to the primary list anyway, and I block them as they pop up.
Heya, it looks like my main account has ended up on your blocklist, @joshdoug.bsky.social, I think this was due to debunking a lie by Joe Rogan, but I'm now seeing that I'm blocked by quite a few accounts on here! Would you mind removing me from the blocklist?
Hi there, there is no algorithm, I am a human…certainly not infallible but I can assure you I haven’t added anyone for anti-MAGA sentiments or cursing at Trump—that said, you’re more than welcome to not use this!
Hi Matt! Would you prefer we just send you handles or screenshots? I have come across a couple of them who like calling people 'libturds'. Thank you for your time! 👍🏾
Thank you for this list! Question (I’m fairly new here)…if I have selected “block all” will it automatically block additional accounts you add over time?
Your list is really excellent- I'm working on one myself, and you usually seem to get to them first. Great work! Here's mine if any slipped through. (I just added a bunch from yours, so may have to scroll down a lot. I usually find them naturally.) https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:7flazky72cfcqvshoz3gw6mm/lists/3lavdffwsi52x
Thanks!! I’m not seeing them so I might already have them blocked from the other MAGA/right wing list haha sorry—feel free to tag me on others though, I’ve been playing whack-a-mole in the comments everywhere I can
Yeah, I do the same thing. Block. Report. Repeat as necessary.
If I come across something that just hits "wrong", I will go to the profile page and look not only at their posts, but also their replies. I do that to avoid just "knee jerk" blocking/reporting.
Working well for me, so far.
@ king-trump.bsky.social
@ 47thebest.bsky.social
@ https://sweethomesky.bsky.social
Do you know what the sun emoji that appears before/in front of the handle means?
I notice some accounts have that sun emoji and some don’t have it.
Use this. Block the lot of em by hitting subscribe and blocking the entire list. They get no air here! None. They can stay all the way over there with the bird people!
I checked their posts/replies & followers/following, and there's no indication they're a MAGA/Trump supporter
Much appreciated! 🤗
Much appreciated. 😁
Here’s another
Here's another one for the cockroach collection: mikilaugh dot bsky dot social
If I come across something that just hits "wrong", I will go to the profile page and look not only at their posts, but also their replies. I do that to avoid just "knee jerk" blocking/reporting.
Working well for me, so far.
Have an awesome Caturday
Another maga troll