It’s awful when access to hearing aids is delayed or restricted.
I was given 2 NHS hearing aids aged 51 but several years later the criteria were tighter and I wasn’t allowed any.
It’s a false economy. Hearing loss often impacts employment and it can even sometimes contribute to cognitive decline.
Agree very frustrating. I'd already waited 13 months for hearing test as I suspected my hearing had got was (it had). I was offered 2 hearing aids at that appt in Sept but unfortunately as my ears were full of wax they could take the moulds then. Because I have a perforated ear drum (contined)
(apols meant couldn't take) I can't use olive oil etc to clear them so waiting to have my ears microsuctioned so they can hopefully then do moulds. Also frustrating as my existing hearing aid is now squeaky. I am def having some difficulty following convos with people:( not easy.
I was given 2 NHS hearing aids aged 51 but several years later the criteria were tighter and I wasn’t allowed any.
It’s a false economy. Hearing loss often impacts employment and it can even sometimes contribute to cognitive decline.