I mean, ppl act like BlueSky isn't still relatively new n then act shocked that they don't get the same amount of engagement than much older and larger platforms like insta and Twitter. It needs time and giving up on this place immediately isn't gonna help lol
I mean in my experience engagement overall has been better here relative to the amount of followers I have on here, n I know ppl who grew way faster here in months than years on Twitter. Like yea ig it's fair to be upset if you aren't having the same experiences
Yea I had a following before coming here, I'm not counting myself as a success story lol, but the ppl I do know didn't have a following (so yea that was just assumption) n they're happy with their growth rn. I don't expect everyone to have the same experience but imo it sucks to see ppl give up here
So As someone who did not have an established following before bluesky I beg to differ. Over 4 years posting on twitter I had 88 followers, after I got on here I beat that in brand new followers in 2 weeks. Also my art pretty consistantly gets likes that arent just my freinds wich is a nice change
The BlueSky experience is literally this, hence why they eventually stop being active here
IDK about you but that sounds/feels a bit misleading
But I digress