Take ACTION to stop Trump’s steal of our money, our resources, our safety nets. No more talking. Less focus on getting electeds to “do something.” WE must take local actions to stop Trump. Watch this video with Democrat messaging guru Anat Shenker-Osirio #Voices4Victory
Please share widely and help a spark become a bonfire. 💙
More of this and less platitudes... Get out in the field Dems.
Ok, Jefferies! Go to Kansas and speak. All y'all representatives with gumption go to solid red districts and speak to the folks there.
Our RED neighbors are angry and we need to seez this opportunity. I'll never forgive them, but I don't want to alienate them while the tide is turning.
Get LOUD by joining marches.
TALK to your friends, coworkers & family.
There are millions of SOFT voters, UNINFORMED & DESPONDENT voters we can get to VOTE!!
I’ll tell my neighbors
I hope it continues every Friday till Leon and Donald’s heads explode
Like the Montgomery bus boycott on Alabama
Be a SHAME if non-employees emailed them five things they saw Federal employees doing for them last week.
[email protected]