"Republicans want to end Medicaid as we know it, are considering eliminating the mortgage interest deduction, and want to take away veterans benefits and nutritional assistance from Children and families.
Is that something that Democrats will support? No."
"Republicans want to end Medicaid as we know it, are considering eliminating the mortgage interest deduction, and want to take away veterans benefits and nutritional assistance from Children and families.
Is that something that Democrats will support? No."
Consistently being this 🤷 and this 🤦will not change shit
“Then he looked up at his disciples and said: ‘Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you will be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.’ “
Elmo is burning the house down with trumps blessings.
If Democrats don’t start understanding that and take action EVERYDAY against the loathsome Duo of Trump and Elmo…nothing else will matter. Lawlessness abounds.
The USA is run by the Republicans nominally but really mad old King Trumplethinskin is fronting the start of his Dynasty, backed by the Broligarchs.
So very Gorbachov's 1985.