Also: That's hardly the first thing she does. She killed Terrible-Dactyl because he *got in the way of her goal,* which was to help the Dinosaucers rally Earth against Rex and his Reptilonian army. She wanted his head on a pike, and anyone that got in the way of that goal was shoved out of the way.
5 issues before its very unceremonious cancellation, and it ends on a cliffhanger. Don't expect much (or any) coherent story. What I got is what I could piece together."
Korwynn, the admin of the (still active!) Lava Dome Five macro server, experimented with a Dark Teryx character, R'Tyx, something like 20+ years ago. None of this stuff is new. Wouldn't surprise me if Uslan borrowed a bunch of fanfic from decades ago to create the comic.
5 issues before its very unceremonious cancellation, and it ends on a cliffhanger. Don't expect much (or any) coherent story. What I got is what I could piece together."
It's not even original!