…and lazy cartoonists who flatter him with a full head of thick hair instead of taking the time to develop a mostly bald pate with a few wisps of hair painstakingly wound around and sprayed in place.
They don't get it. He's going to hurt them, too! It's theorized that red states will suffer the most. They'll lose the funding they depend on for food and education, the illegal workers they exploit, without the environmental protections their crops might die, their trading partners won't trade, i.e
Well to be fair, if you misspell Nazi, it doesn't mean that the person you called a Nazi isn't one. If you misspell a racial slur, you still called someone a racial slur. I noticed the spelling, too, but I'd rather make typos or be illiterate than bend the knee to anyone who enjoys hurting people.
LOL. Sometimes I get really passionate about what I'm writing and I just kinda ... *click, send...* Oh shit! *deletes* So I understand. Moron/Moran/Maroon would make a nice username!