Oh wow.
Just look at this screenshot.
Read the red box then read the sentence above.
So many implications for women in these sentences.
Your reproductive health now includes the needs of men and the community.
Who gets to decide what spiritual wellness is. That’s a fucking cult right there.
Just look at this screenshot.
Read the red box then read the sentence above.
So many implications for women in these sentences.
Your reproductive health now includes the needs of men and the community.
Who gets to decide what spiritual wellness is. That’s a fucking cult right there.
So if women’s health will address “the needs of men, families and communities” does that mean if hospital budgets are stretched the women past child bearing or those who can’t will be denied health care cause they are deemed worthless?
Where do disabled women or women who may be carriers of genes some people like N4zis consider impure fall in the queue?
When they say spiritual health they mean Xtian soul right?
Still a fucking cult.
Seriously, I wish I had the money to flee.
Oh and there is more coming.
I have a lot of depos to finish editing and other JE stuff but I’ve been immersed in Nygard and hopefully will be video linking into the Montreal court.
I did all the Toronto case and have only just my body clock back to day light hours 🤣 I’m also lazy