Of all of the people here, I'm sure you know better than anyone that Atwater, Manafort and Stone are finally getting their way, and it is an utter disaster.
Every time the gop are in control they leave a trail of destruction & dysfunction….why can’t ppl figure this out. DJT isn’t officially in control yet…& we are already tanking…
I've been a Democrat my whole life, but I had been known to vote for the occasional Republican if I thought they were right for the job. Now, I wouldn't vote for a Republocan dog catcher
Luck wont even matter if they can’t get out of their own way. Here’s to 4 years of infighting
Every dictatorship has had a lousy economy. Look at Franco, the Soviet Union, today’s Turkey, England under Cromwell, etc etc
They can't pull off something they think is impossible. As they can't do it, they won't let anyone else try, it might show them up.
GOP = Greedy Obscene Parasites
GOP = Gaslighting Obfuscating Psychopaths
GOP ≠ Leadership