Unsurprisingly, a federal judge has already blocked Trump's birthright citizenship EO
This shows how courts need to play a key role in upholding the rule of law—which is a foundational pillar of democracy
I explained👇-TN https://www.brookings.edu/articles/democracy-playbook-2025/
This shows how courts need to play a key role in upholding the rule of law—which is a foundational pillar of democracy
I explained👇-TN https://www.brookings.edu/articles/democracy-playbook-2025/
The MOST corrupt SCOTUS in American history, John Roberts kangaroo court
#SCOTUS doesn’t care if Mommy lives or dies.
The precedent is murky enough that, while the lower courts are obliged to get on Ark, SCOTUS can do what it damn well feels like, and this is Stage 2 in their nefarious scheme to rig elections for a generation.