Having a saving throw based AOE spell early isn't a bad thing. My favorite twin is twin lighting fireball and using tempest cleric CD. Or ball lightening
There are so few ways to hit multiple targets at that low level, so its super useful. Also, while i would permit it cause its rad, technically you cant twinspell a fireball, you can only do it with a spell that has a target(2024 rules may have changed this, i havent read the new stuff yet)
Ive used a Library to cover a retreat, ordered a magically boobytrapped lock to unlock and yeet itself off a cliff, attacked a monster with the Inn it was standing in, and defeated a giant robot with a barracks.
My favourite was when I animated a white picket fence for our resident fighter to run up while it flew towards a flying enemy, for our fighter to jump on it and head stab repeatedly.
I really like Spiritual Weapon, it’s flavourful because you can choose how it looks to fit your deity and it’s really powerful for action economy - the BG3 implementation of it was very interesting too
Very nice choice! I especially love the fact that it isn't a concentration spell so bearing it with things like Spirit guardians or Moon beam is amazing. Here's a gold star ⭐
I think the correct answer is Twinspelled Disintegrate.
Entire one shots cleared with Animate Objects.
It’s so busted and I adore it.
My favourite was when I animated a white picket fence for our resident fighter to run up while it flew towards a flying enemy, for our fighter to jump on it and head stab repeatedly.
It was epic.