Yeeeah. I left my pajamas at home staying at my grandmas, so I had to wear one of my sister's nighties and *boy that lit a fuse that would explode 25 years later*
I remember being like 6 and trying on one of my mom's bras with some socks stuffed in it
Lots of pain and healing and transition later, here I am! :) Pretty girl, BIG girl. Yall are beautiful btw
Haha, I wore mom's muumuus and shoes, and one of her rosaries as a necklace, to see how it was like to "be a girl" when I was a toddler, try it out and see if I liked it.
Sadly as toddler and adult, my conclusion is I'm fine as I am. But questioning and trying is always important for anyone ✨
The journey where you don't realize till years later that you're trans,
but because you "didn't always know" you think that you can't possibly be trans
till you remember bits and pieces of memories, and start to piece together actually just how many signs there were before
Lots of pain and healing and transition later, here I am! :) Pretty girl, BIG girl. Yall are beautiful btw
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah... yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah... yeah.
Sadly as toddler and adult, my conclusion is I'm fine as I am. But questioning and trying is always important for anyone ✨