Why is Mace so obsessed with bathrooms? Everyone I know goes in, does their business,and leaves. She must frequent some weird bathrooms-maybe we need protection from her
They saw what happened to Colin Allred and they "know" they have a winning issue. Beat up on trans people. Gov. George Wallace of Alabama famously said after an election loss that he would never get out-N****red again. So I guess Mace believes she'll never get out-"-transed" again.
I wonder if there is someone concerned about her in her family enough to actually try and reach through that dark place she has hidden herself to help her see that the world is not that dystopian BS she keeps spouting. She is so sad and broken
This nation was founded on the separation of powers, not the separation of bathrooms. We have bigger concerns Nancy. Like maybe shrink the gap of doors on the stalls. Or keep the gaps between the branches of government wide apart, as the founding fathers intended.
To get us to keep paying attention. Focus on other things. We have much bigger fights to fight than this for all vulnerable groups! Trans people are who they’re openly targeting now to see if they can get away with other things too. It’s classic Nazi stuff!
She was the victim of a horrendous, tragic incident -- and frankly, it doesn't seem like she received any therapy for it, hence this destructive, bigoted behavior.
Reminds me of the obsession NC has had with it. We even ended up with a "bathroom bill". If they paid more attention to hungry kids and healthcare costs we'd all be better off. But then anything that helps people is anathema to them.
She needs to stop - we don’t care if there’s a trans woman in the next stall. Just wanna get in, do your business, wash your damn hands and carry on. Find something new to obsess about Nancy
Along with all the DC consultants and focus groups who told him to stop talking like a normal person and try to sound more like the usual corporate Democrat drone.
I miss the days, those heady bygone years that comprise the vast majority of my middle-aged life, when we all just assumed everyone was using the right bathroom for them. When we avoided earnest eye contact and just washed our damned hands and then went back about our business.
Reporters could frame their questions.."You say this bathroom *issue* is abt women's safety...What are you doing about the s*xual predators in your own party?" ASK this EVERY time she is in front of the camera spouting the BS...EVERY SINGLE TIME.
A part of me thinks she is doing all this to distract from something that is actually going on... even though what she is saying is complete bullshit and bat shit insane i think she is the big distraction right now from something bigger.
Since she’s one of the performative jackasses of the Republican party, as long as she can raise money and get shitter likes, she’ll continue posting her vitriol.
She's trying to be a more polarizing figure in the GOP because she realized those are the ones who get cabinet positions. She's going a bit overboard though. It was about 300 posts in two days this morning, I haven't checked her Twitter but I have to assume she's been at it all day.
Her staff once mass-quit b/c she was so toxic, obsessed w sex. She seems not to be able to help herself. A psychologist could best describe what is going in w her; it’s like a mania. Obsessed w OP’s genitalia, defends predators, and insists she’s not to be questioned b/c she is a survivor. Bullshit.
She’s probably really gunning for that senate seat if Graham doesn’t run for re-election. That’s probably the most likely explaination for why Mace has completely jumped the shark even more than she already has
“Look at me”
(FWIW I think defending trans people is more important than starving her of the attention, but we can at least limit the amount we give her)
Can we please bring weird back? Because it’s a perfect description in her case.
She was averaging a post every 10 minutes
It really does.
Naw, we were just calling your bigoted asses out.
Leave people the fuck alone.
Reporters could frame their questions.."You say this bathroom *issue* is abt women's safety...What are you doing about the s*xual predators in your own party?" ASK this EVERY time she is in front of the camera spouting the BS...EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Once Mace didn't have this target, guess she had to find another woman to attack.
I only care about what's between people's ears, and when it comes to MAGAts, there's nothing between.
Just sick, twisted people.
She's deranged and needs mental health help. I mean that seriously.