The UK continues to quietly force trans adults to detransition. It was never about trans youth. Doctors in the UK are withdrawing hormones without warning and cutting tags people off even after decades of being on HRT.
Trans men are women.
Fucking ghouls.
Isn’t there a word for that?
I thought UK elected Labour not Thatcher 2.0.
And, if in doubt about specialist ones, all GPs have to do is whizz off an email to a GIC
Here's Tavi-Port's 👇
So they've NO excuse whatsoever!
Reckon most would, or could, acquire them, if needed & without difficulty too. 🤷
And, if we can do it, why can't GPs?
Speaking as a white guy
If you want to find Wes Streeting, he has an account here. I get the impression he'll be ignoring it mostly, 'cos he's a coward.
Getting both GRS and a GRC are very difficult already in the UK. Considering the constant stream of lies thrown around about us, it would be relatively easy to have a trans woman falsely convicted of a crime.
Many of us have been through hell by people seeing us as a fetish already, the choice of not existing would be preferable to experiencing that all over again.
That the Government and media DO have an issue w/ trans people is the problem.
Places like Reddit and certain obviously named websites on the open web are massive vulnerabilities. Weaponized interviews with unsuspecting trans people are also a threat vector.
It will get ugly.
Either way, grim.
The US was late to this party, and I guess the UK doesn’t want to be left behind.
I am still getting mine (for now), but I've had my prescriptions cancelled or put on hold in 2023 and 2024. It takes a lot of hassle to get them reinstated again.
I had SRS in 2019.
Somebody that had SRS requires these medications to live, withholding that seems all kinds of illegal. Even in the shitty UK.
We could once have moved to another country at least, whereas now we're stuck.
There is Ireland, but they use the UK for their trans services and their GPs can be somewhat fickle about trans people too.
Just that the 'elsewhere' is a diminishing number. Also, some areas may not have a close by 'elsewhere'.
Yeah this is probably fine
We are in the danger.
It’s not lack of knowledge. It’s lack of will to treat. Any doctor who won’t treat any patient shouldn’t be a doctor.
Former head of RCP said anyone who wouldn't treat should get another job.
Which's why I'm keen for people being refused care to get reasons why in writing so a collective action can be brought...
My route's via PHSO - the Health Ombudsman.
It'd be good if someone could try the GMC, even though they, like PHSO, don't have a good reputation.
I'm hearing GMC have had 80+ complaints about anti-Semitism.
So why shouldn't we complain about clinicians' transphobia?
However in...
"Keep the patients levels above xxx and below yyy. Do a quarterly blood test. If levels are 10% more than yyy, reduce HRT slightly etc."
It's not rocket science. Many of us do it ourselves.
In fact, the GIC had to write a sternly worded letter to my GP Practice after 'shenanigans' with my HRT annual renewal.
Cis women don't have blood tests, they don't live or die by some arbitrary number which may or may not be contaminated and varies throughout the day. They are simply given a dose and told to come back for more if it doesn't make them feel better.
side effects. Yet its benefits outweigh the risks and patients want them.
Just sayin'
I've heard some say it's because the new GP contracts don't pay them for "extra services" and they're "working to rule." If so, they should designated say 1 GP in each area who will prescribe. It's malpractice to stop meds, knowing it will harm a patient's health...