Andy loves to stir the pot when he gets wasted. Last year he straight up said he hated Eric Adams. Which like, fair play, but I'm sure the network was not thrilled. Lol
I watched this idiot moan about the lack of umbrellas last year for 5 minutes, gave up and went to play videogames and second monitor science youtube instead.
the best part was teasing diplo and it's just talking to diplo on a webcam for 5 minutes. and the convo was mid banter, at peak, mostly awkward drunk shit. but shut up, things are totally fine and we are all so hopeful
AC has a glimpse of what 2025 is going to be like - him and his ilk constantly being dunked on as corporate proxies. I'd be over it too. No one likes it when you spike the ball. No that's not true - half the stadium does, but I don't!
WTF was Anderson Cooper doing? Biggest corporate pundit and rich dilettante that god forbid Andy mentioned Project 2025 or the corruption of Eric Adams. Corporate, rich whore.
Television is dead. (Long live television.)