BREAKING: A federal court blocked Trump’s military ban on transgender service members, ruling it unconstitutional. The court found no evidence supporting claims of reduced readiness, citing the honor & excellence of trans troops.
We will lose all our rights on a 5-4 decision.
i'm glad the judge did this, and hope it "sticks", but trans persons won't feel safe to be in the military until the country changes...
On an unrelated note, I called 1-800-ICE-NAZI to report this asshole,
he’s obviously a Venezuelan gang member by his tatoos. Hopefully captured & en route to El Salvador hellhole Supermaximo. Doin my part!
We had moved past it until Drumpf.
A person takes a lot of physical stress in the field. Sometimes hrt is used to help regulate a vet dealing with ptsd.
Maga just hates people..
Albert: You know, I used to feel that way too until I found out that Alexander the Great was a f*g. Talk about gays in the military!