I'll be sure to discourage all my students from working at Paul Weiss going forward. And I'll ask my colleagues to do the same.
This is a disgrace to the profession.
This is a disgrace to the profession.
Reposted from
Marc Elias
It is a sad day for the legal industry. Paul Weiss, didn't just bend a knee, it set a new standard for shameful capitulation. This is a stain on the firm, every one of its partners, and the entire legal profession.
“Do what we say or we will kill you.”
“Now publish some BS we’ve typed up and say it was you.”
“We own you now.”
Every American is gonna be faced with this at some point in the next 4 years. We’d better get used to it.
The only issue is people need to start facing the fact things will not remain peaceful the orange is already being violent. People need to plan and understand more than just peaceful protest is needed.
"Where is my line?" Ask urself.
#Oath u lose
The hypocrisy knows no bounds.