This isn't a trade war. This is Donald Trump trying to drag Canada into the massive political dumpster fire he started in Washington.
Canadians won't be bullied. We will remain: True. North. Strong Free.
Elbows up.
Read my latest here:
Canadians won't be bullied. We will remain: True. North. Strong Free.
Elbows up.
Read my latest here:
If you voted for Trump or still call yourself a Republican, I have serious doubts about anything you claim to dislike about Trumps agenda!!!!!
And yes, I threw up in my mouth a little supporting a Doug Ford policy.
🇨🇦 is the True North, Strong!
Anyone making a deal with the states that goes against Canada's interests should be seen as providing AID and COMFORT to an enemy.
We already have CETA which is in effect, though not completely ratified by the usual suspects.
Increase in trade and cultural exchanges would be fantastic.
Canada is not a company that is ripe for a hostile takeover. We're a sovereign country. And we were once a strong US ally.
Canadian Armed Forces should launch a recruitment program as a stimulus measure to complement employment insurance. Great way to meet our defense to GPD target and useful to send signals to allies and foes.
Trump doesn't speak for his people.
Let's do it.
Made in Canada - Canadian Products (on Facebook) is 1.1 million members strong.
They act tough but when push comes to shove they run like chickens.
We are THAT pissed off at him and his political party...
Elbows up.
The honorable thing to do in these troubling circumstances would be to ask their supporters to vote for the Liberal Prime Minister.
There are 5 countries with procurement contracts for the f-35. We should all cancel those contracts and go to other aircraft.
However we are not all in the same boat.
Some people navigate this in a cruise ship.
Some people don’t even have any boat to go.
#CanadaStrongAndFree 🇨🇦
We grew fast & trained hard & by the end of the war our size & numbers were staggering. We won battles that many others tried & lost.
Our soldiers are well known for their strength, extraordinary battle skills & ingenuity.
We believe in God, family, peace, democracy, humanity, humility, being kind, helpful & a good friend.
We believe in standing up to bullies & what's right. We know how to fight. Check our history.
Hang tough, everyone.
We’re on the right side of history. As we have been before. Shoutout to all our veterans and active service members who have kept us there. ❤️ 🇨🇦
More internal pipelines and refineries are the solution. However, like the moving of manufacturing, it takes time.
Like a russian doll of viciousness, grift and duplicity.
His marriages
His businesses
His politics
His alliances
His negotiations
His partners
His 'friends'
Assume the worst, and he'll take it as a challenge.
A picture really is worth a thousand words
Neither Canada nor Europe are sufficiently macho to warrant his approval. His self-respect requires him to respect only macho leaders. In his eyes non-macho leaders, like deceased soldiers resting in their graves, are losers.
Mentally 🍊 is very odd
I think maga's is "knees down"