Thanks to for the excellent break down of my recent speech in Ottawa. They look at the fall out in the United States as MAGA wakes up to fact that Canada has moved from the nice guys to the north to the FAFO phase of democracy.
All the best to our Canadian friends for their independence, freedom, and self-determination!
Which Canadians is Trump talking to that are telling him they want to become part of the US? I have not come across a single one. #never51
Love from Niagara
Right now in the FA phase, here in the States.
Watch as it morphs into the FO phase.
Hi there neighbor!
a sensible American and your latest blue sky follower.
Keep up the good fight Charlie
“Geography has made us neighbors, history has made us friends, economics has made us partners, and necessity has made us allies.”. Someone needs to teach trump a lesson in history and diplomacy.
Love your appearances on MTN.
You’re setting a fine example for Americans who have lost their way, especially those who mistakenly believe they’re leading a country (or just want us to believe they’re are).
In Germany that's an old and stained debate🤷♂️😔...
Don't mess with Canadians!🫶
Wab is a fantastic Premiere, and he and his government are here for our people.
I'm proud that our province has elected a diverse and inclusive government. This is what DEI looks like in practice.
Data on female Rep's:
Grüne, 61,2%; 52/85
Linke, 56,2%; 36/64
SPD, 41,7%; 50/120
CDU/CSU, 23,1%; 48/208
AfD, 11,8%; 18/152
Total,32,4%; 204/630
CANADA still needs to have #ElbowsUp and move away from the US as a trading partner PERMANENTLY!!!
Its time to Make Canada a new Superpower and a beacon of FREEDOM for the World!