Canada is Trump's number one enemy.
There is dark method in his madness. American Autarky is the economic philosophy of MAGA.
They stole it from Nazi economics.
It is about building a tariff wall and relying on politics of plunder.
Please read my latest.
There is dark method in his madness. American Autarky is the economic philosophy of MAGA.
They stole it from Nazi economics.
It is about building a tariff wall and relying on politics of plunder.
Please read my latest.
I can't believe I'm living in a timeline where I'm actively applauding Doug fucking Ford!!
I've got a spineless coward for a premier... But hey, at least he's not Dani Smith
severe mistake.
Not only has he underestimated the resolve and commitment of the Canadian people, but his threats against our nation could very well be perceived by our NATO allies & partners as a violation of Article 5.
America could be sanctioned.
#ElbowsUp 🇨🇦🇺🇦#Canada 🇨🇦
On this I must disagree. MAGA bet it all on Trump, and they will stick with him until the bitter end no matter what. Besides, Faux News tells them 24 hrs a day that everything is Obama's & Biden's fault. 🙄
Once people show willing to overcome the most basic of all instincts
(protect children)
you know there can be no going back
Trump: "Canada will be our 51st state!"
Canadian negotiating team: "Grandson of immigrant and Canadian brothel owner says what? Go pound sand, Donal Drumpf"
It would take time to bring plunder home to the US and would he really share?
While the orange megalomaniac isn’t smart enough to come up with it on his own, the people who manipulate him are.
Giving business the free labor of the enslaved
And as you detail, invading other nations and continuing theft
They felt no pain until the bombers were overhead
Elbows Up Canada...
In Canada we don’t elect a president we elect representatives of a party. The party’s lead who won the most seats is now the Prime Minister of Canada.
Completely sidestepping the fact that almost nobody votes for their Prime Minister. I know I've never had the privelage of voting foe the leader of a party in as an MP
This is happening today for the Liberal party who’s leader is Justin Trudeau.
What that means is that we will have a new leader for our country very soon.
This always have been the way.
Trudeau was stepping down and the new liberal chief of party will become the Prime Minister of Canada.
If someone tells you that was not done through a democratic process tell them to fuck off!
PP got the message that populism rethoric works maybe with the fringe part of his base.
One of the two men’s know economics like deeply the other wanted crypto instead of our regulations.
Not impressed
History’s confirmed that these stupid, fragile, gaslighting, SADISTIC PERVERTS will grow HORRIFICALLY worse until stopped.
Trapped within the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’s Republicans—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.
It feels like conflicting messaging. I say this as a leftist who will vote Liberal to avoid CPC.
Do we defend, or is this theatre?
But yeah, it also sends a bit of a mixed message about how serious the threat is.
Banning new purchases from American manufacturers I 100% would be for. But this is taking family heirlooms from legal owners and causing a lot of chaos.
Legal gun owners are usually stuck in the middle between the two groups going too far in both directions. Gun bans mean new gun purchases though, which might be why it's done.
Firearm culture is very different in Canada than the US. I like how Canada does it. I wish they'd leave it alone.