These actions by Trump/Musk show America as a nation trampling the rule of law. Trump/Musk cannot unilaterally close USAID or transfer under State. USAID is codified by the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998, 22 U.S.C. 6501 et seq. 7/8
And isn’t it broader than this? Can the Administration arbitrarily inpound any funds it wants that are appropriated by Congress?
Does the Department of Government Extermination have this right?
In 2009, then-Sen. Gregg detailed every trick the GOP could use to deny Americans health care reform. Perhaps you can take some inspiration...
It's hard to believe how a co-equal branch has willingly ceded power.
An unelected billionaire with conflicts of interest should not have carte blanche access to the U.S. government.
You all should be out in front of these buildings surrounded by the press, and angry. Not in Congress, voting for Republican operatives.
Put it all on live stream.
Do every fucking thing you can.
Re USAID and also Treasury, FBI, GSA, etc
And more protests
Why not outside FBI?
Can you believe just a few short years ago, we had the votes to impeach him for breaking laws? Had prosecutors investigating his crimes and grand juries recommending him for prosecution?
He belongs in GITMO, not immigrants