In the spirit of summaries, simple rules that, if everyone followed, would make academic publishing less painful in 2025.
As a reviewer:
*Separate major and minor comments
*Write your explicit recommendation in the "for authors" section
*If co-reviewing with trainees, read the paper yourself
As a reviewer:
*Separate major and minor comments
*Write your explicit recommendation in the "for authors" section
*If co-reviewing with trainees, read the paper yourself
Reposted from
Igor Ulitsky
Time for the annual peer-review summary! I did 46 peer reviews in 2024. A busier year than 2022-23, but still sub-2021 levels. This year I attempted to review revisions same-day, which worked ~75% of the time (the other 25% took way longer...).
* If an experiment is nice to have but not essential to support the conclusions/model, write so explicitly
Add page numbers
* Put figures inline with the text, and legends next to figures (including supplementary)
* Make sure the data you present supports the conclusion that is in the title/abstract