It's just not possible to sleep knowing that in the midst of one of the worst natural disasters in Los Angeles history that the most horrendous event is about to occur in 236 years on January 20th.
G_d help us all.
G_d help us all.
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"And the earth became scorched just as it was foretold if he once again came to rule the land."
Theology frequently says we have "free will" to destroy ourselves and that self-destruction is proceeding as per plan.
Trump followed none of the constitutional duties in season one of Fake Billionaire President.
Denial is deep and bipartisan in the jet set
Greta is right
b) the electorate is dumb
c) the DNC is blaming itself, lying down and starting to move right, which is learning the wrong lesson — the Dems should NOT blame the platform.
d) we frankly have to be better at communicating with the misinformed and stupid
Denial is deep and bipartisan
Watering down our principles again helps no one. It’s about how to convince, not abandoning what we stand for.
Know your customer — a marketing slogan meaning, in this case, people who are willfully stupid.
That’s the audience we need to find a way to appeal to with messaging. May seem nasty but look what they elected. Willful stupidity is a big part of why.
“The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property,'”
I have a sick feeling there are going to be disasters after disasters with Trump at the helm.
It’s like we are all adults in a vehicle watching a six year drive the car recklessly on the highway!
A catastrophic crash will most certainly happen!
America how did you let things get to this point! How??
Your political system has failed! It’s severely flawed!
America with the highest executive pay has attracted more than just the talented, but the criminals too!
One only has to look at the churches $… magnets for sheisters & con-men.
But now I do 100%
One man
Same as Michelle Obama
Africa is far worse off
Maybe we should top the buy
And refund his money!
Couldn't feel more pained -
And then I remember inauguration day in 1980 when the other psychopath, Reagan, was sworn into office
We'll give him the co-ordinates where to drop it.
January 19 and 20. 48 hours. NO CNN!
Whatever hurts their bottom line changes things!
It's been a tough road for the US.
It’s like an ice cream store with only chocolate & vanilla for ever!
In other countries new parties form to reflect the desires of the population.
What is ironic is Americans have so many material goods to choose from, but only 2 political parties forever more!
+ huge natural disaster
+ deported construction workers
+ tapped out insurance companies
= swift, significant negative financial impact.
Is this the pain Musk promised, or is this in addition to?
He's OUR problem, until Jan 20.
The American constitution will mean fuck all after the 20th
Into the fire
So 😞