It’s still Metroid Fusion. I was not expecting a horror game when I booted that up!
If Metroid ever does get a movie THAT would be the game to base it on IMO.
Like other M,the linearity of that one threw me at first. It wasn’t until my second and third playthrough that i came to appreciate it more. Both games really tried(in different ways) to play homage to sci-fi horror like aliens,predator,or the thing and i appreciate that.
Alien, Predator and The Thing is EXACTLY how I would adapt that game to film. You could easily make a story on how X spread across the station before Samus even awoke.
Either that or a story in two parts Samus arrives on the station escorting scientists in the survey and starts feeling ill and decides to leave wakes up in a secured medical bay changed and unsure how she got there. A voice in her helmet(AI Adam) guiding her and filling her in to what happened.
Oh, and you are 100% correct in showing her guiding the research team. You absolutely HAVE to show off how powerful she is with the full power of the suit and what it’s capable of to sell the HORROR of the SA-X later on.
Show don’t tell is usually better in visual media.
I always visualised the removal of her suit after the infection to be the stuff of nightmares.
There is so much potential for a great adaptation in that setting. I hope to see it one day.
Hmm yes the body horror element could be a really compelling element particularly when showing the SAX(made to look less alien at first) mutating into more nightmarish forms in each encounter and samus watching something that initially looks like her becoming increasingly grotesque.
Super Metroid
I don’t know what I was expecting when I booted that game up,but it wasn’t that.Up until then i had completed metroid 2,but only played bits of the 1st Metroid.So when super metroid started with that explosive opening and only improved from there it left an enduring impression
I still haven't played them all so Metroid: Zero Mission. 🙂 I still think as you probably already know from my X bio that there will be a Metroid Game & Watch.
Metroid Fusion is my favorite game in the Metroid series. That being said, Metroid is one of my favorite series of video games. I would also like to shout out Metroid: Samus Returns for the 3DS, which is a close second for me.
It's just so immersive! 😁
If Metroid ever does get a movie THAT would be the game to base it on IMO.
I always visualised the removal of her suit after the infection to be the stuff of nightmares.
There is so much potential for a great adaptation in that setting. I hope to see it one day.
I don’t know what I was expecting when I booted that game up,but it wasn’t that.Up until then i had completed metroid 2,but only played bits of the 1st Metroid.So when super metroid started with that explosive opening and only improved from there it left an enduring impression